by destmarketer | May 22, 2016 | Press
Yippee-kayay! Cowboys and cowgirls aren’t the only ones with the chance to perform in Brent Romick Arena at the Steamboat Springs Pro Rodeo Series. Your young’uns can get in on the action every night as well, down to the dirt on their boots. All they have to do is...
by destmarketer | May 18, 2016 | Press, Results
Bareback Matt Webber, 1985; Tracy Lawton, 1986; Mark Darling, 1987; Brian Swingle, 1988; Jesse Banek, 1989; Gordon Griffith, 1990; Gordon Griffith, 1991; Shane Call, 1992; Shane Call, 1993; Rick Bradley, 1994; Rick Bradley, 1995; Rick Bradley, 1996; George Harty,...
by destmarketer | May 16, 2016 | Press
“In the early days, spectators would form a rodeo ring by positioning their horses in a circle, heads turned inward. Later, cars were used to form the circle.” When you watch the action-packed Steamboat Springs Pro Rodeo Series, you’re taking part in a...
by destmarketer | May 16, 2016 | Press
Reaching the overall winner’s podium at the end of each season is no easy task. It takes consistency, skill, guts and a little luck. If last year’s tight-as-a-belt-buckle rodeo season was any indication, this year will be no exception, with some of the best rodeo...
by destmarketer | May 11, 2016 | Press
Like the action you see at the Romick Rodeo Arena? Now you can watch the Steamboat Springs Pro Rodeo Series when you’re back home as well. This year, the series announced that it will have a new presence on the Wrangler Network’s rodeo-only YouTube channel, letting...
by destmarketer | Jul 1, 2014 | Press
In the days before Steamboat Springs had a rodeo arena, Routt County’s earliest cowboys often had to rope calves and “break” horses that were not keen on humans riding on their backs. These early rodeo precursors most often took place on the ranches where the cowboys...