Tickets Are Not On Sale for 2025 Yet! Stay Tuned.
Every Friday and Saturday, June 20th – Aug 23rd as well as July 4th. DO NOT BUY TICKETS ONLINE FROM ANY OTHER SITE. THEY ARE UNAUTHORIZED.
BBQ & Music at 6PM & Rodeo at 7:30PM

Tickets Are Not On Sale for 2025 Yet! Stay Tuned.
Every Friday and Saturday, June 20th – Aug 23rd as well as July 4th. DO NOT BUY TICKETS ONLINE FROM ANY OTHER SITE. THEY ARE UNAUTHORIZED.
BBQ & Music at 6 PM
& Rodeo at 7:30 PM
Action Packed Rodeo Events
Bull Riding
Contestants try their hand at at riding a 2,000lb bull for 8 seconds in hopes of earning the highest score.
The rider, while sitting in a saddle, moves his feet from the horse’s neck toward the back of the saddle, in time with the bronc’s action.
Competing against the clock, contestants circle three barrels in a cloverleaf pattern and race home.
Cowboys attempt to chase and rope a calf, then tie down three of its legs as quickly as they can without the calf getting loose.
The cowboy chases the steer, then drops from his horse and grabs it by its horns to wrestle it to the ground.
Bareback Riding
The rider holds on with only one arm while rolling his spurs in rhythm, back and forth, while the horse bucks and jumps.

Music & Entertainment

BBQ, Beer, snacks
BBQ, Beer, snacks

Just for kids!
From the blog
2023 Rodeo Standings and Champs
The Rodeo is Older; Cowboys’ Roundup Days is Younger
PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release Steamboat Springs Pro Rodeo Series 970-879-1818 MAIN CONTACT: John Shipley Steamboat Springs, Colorado (June 21, 2023) New Dates for Old Rodeo Mainstays The Rodeo is Older; Cowboys’ Roundup Days is Younger The Steamboat...
Entertainment Abounds!
Keep your eyes on the arena after an event is over. That’s when the action heats up even more with world-class specialty acts. The riders giving it their all at the Steamboat Springs Pro Rodeo Series aren’t the evening’s only entertainers. Joining them each fun-filled...